
Friday, February 20, 2015

Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions PSP Version Review

I have known FF Tactics ever since it came out for the Playstation 1. The original Final Fantasy games were a bit different since it featured a true Role-Playing experience. FF Tactics is different in such that it is a strategy game where you move your army of warriors and mages around a map that is divided into squares. It does the Tactical RPG strategy genre so well that I fell in love while playing it in the first hour. Final Fantasy Tactics has been re-released on the Sony Playstation Portable and the PS Vita with new cinematics and a new character jobs- the Dark Knight,
which is my favorite, and the most worthless class in my opinion, the Onion Knight.

The Front Art for Final Fantasy Tactics. This is what you will see in-game as well.

The New cut-scenes and cinematics are a nice touch - missing from the original game, but for me it is a nice polish and addition to the new game.

I am proud to show you the gameplay. It is better than the classic game Chess!

The much applauded and addicting Job Classes!

The boxed art - Looks good, and your game shelf will have plus brownie points with it! In my opinion, it is beautiful art.

Overall Rating - 5/5! The price of this game for the PSP and Vita version is a great bargain. I spent about 100 hours and played the game three times, it is that good! I would not recommend the iOS and Android version - having buttons and the directional pad provides a better game experience. I like how the sound and music evokes a classical era, and I imagined a time when magic and spells were still present. The menu settings, job system and equip took
some time getting used to, but it was not a major downer in the overall experience. I think the only thing going against it will be the story - it confused me right at the start, and I never fully understood it even when reaching the end. Do not let the aged graphics fool you - the hours I spent customizing my Job Classes and abilities to complement my team, and the thrill and satisfaction of seeing it work well and completely crush the enemy is nothing short of an epic game experience!

My Rating:

Tokyo Otaku Mode Inc.

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